Does your dance teacher nag you about your hair? Taking off your jumper in class?
Being appropriately groomed? Do you know why!? She’s preparing you for life out in the world. Wear your uniform with pride. Be ready for class, show you have prepared, show that you are ready, show that you care. Look like a dancer – feel like a dancer for casual clothes in class equals a casual mind. Show up, look the part, don’t hide under jumpers. Your body is your instrument – show it so you can grow. Be ready to receive corrections with humility and grace – they are your teachers gift to you. When you hide, you avoid feedback. When you get no feedback, that’s when you should start to worry… Your teacher has given up. She doesn’t want to ask you to take off your jumper one more time, do this yourself, and be ready. Be humble and hungry. This is why good grooming is important. Written by Jane Grech.